Last year however, I did get on the "choose one word" wagon and I loved it! Last year my one word was discipline. My best friend pointed something out to me when I was sharing some very personal thoughts with her. She told me that I had all of the abilities to do the things that I wanted to accomplish but I lacked discipline. Ouch! That stung a bit. It wasn't meant to be harsh, it was truthful and I thank God for her truthfulness all the time. Her words made me more aware of the discipline that I did in fact lack. Keeping those thoughts in mind I became more disciplined and I did accomplish a few goals of the goals that I had.
This year my one word is Intentional.
Intentional~ done on purpose, deliberate.
I want to be intentional about the things that I do, the goals I make, the things that I am involved in. Of course that sounds silly to say, I'll be intentional about the goals I make, doesn't everyone that makes goals make them intentionally? I guess what I really mean is I will be more intentional about how I spend my time. What I do needs to have purpose. In order to do that, I need to simplify. This year I hope to live my life intentionally simplified.